Annalynn M. Galvin
Assistant Professor
Department of Research
Annalynn “Anna” Galvin, PhD, RN is an Assistant Professor with the Department of Research. Her program of research incorporates mixed-methods research to develop translational, community-involved interventions for maternal and child populations that facilitate preventive behaviors and improve sexual and reproductive health equity throughout the life course. She received her Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing through the Nursing Honors program at the University of Texas at Austin's School of Nursing, followed by her Master of Science Degree in Nursing at the same institution, obtaining a degree in Child Health Nursing with a role specialty in Public Health. Dr. Galvin then earned her PhD in Health Behavior Research through the University of North Texas Health Science Center's School of Public Health in Fort Worth. Her experience as a certified pediatric registered nurse in both acute care hospital settings and public health governmental settings resulted in her continued desire to conduct substantive research in key disparities related to HPV-related cancer prevention, contraception and family planning, and HIV prevention related to social drivers of health (e.g., housing instability, homelessness). Her research, published in high-impact, peer-reviewed public health and behavioral journals, has been recognized at several local and national conferences, such as the American Public Health Association and the American Academy of Health Behavior, winning awards in public health education and health promotion and maternal-child health.
University of North Texas Health Science Center School of Public Health, Fort Worth, TX
PhD - Public Health Sciences: Health Behavior Research
University of Texas School of Nursing, Austin, TX
MSN - Child Health Nursing with Role Specialty in Public Health
University of Texas School of Nursing, Austin, TX
BSN - Undergraduate Nursing Honors Program
Clinical/Research Focus
Dr. Galvin’s research interests primarily focus on using mixed-methods research to improve sexual and reproductive health equity in screening and prevention throughout the life course, especially among vulnerable maternal and child populations, such as women and families experiencing homelessness.
- HPV-related cancer prevention among people experiencing housing instability: A systematic review
- Exploring Postpartum Pregnancy Prevention Behaviors Among Women Experiencing Homelessness: A Mixed-Methods Analysis
- Examining Community Preferences for Adaption and Dissemination of an Efficacious Brief Intervention on Alcohol Use and Sexual Behavior
- Using the Plan-Do-Study-Act Evaluation Framework to Improve the Recruitment of Women Experiencing Homelessness: Lessons Learned
- Homelessness in the Perinatal Period and Associations With Reproductive Interconception Care: 2016-2019 Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System