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Honored In 2002

  1. Rae Helyn Andrews – BSN 1983
  2. Diane Ballweg – BSN 1991
  3. Debora Simmons Bennett – MSN 1998
  4. Lucindra Campbell – MSN 1996
  5. Helen “Betty” Cody – MSN 1979
  6. Brenda Gregory-Dawes – MSN 1994
  7. Willa Decker – BSN 1974
  8. Susan Distefano – MSN 1986
  9. Joan Duncan – MSN 1995
  10. Michael Evans – MSN 1978
  11. Lorraine Frazier – PhD 2000, MSN 1998
  12. Kathryn Grace Froiland – MSN 1994
  13. Alexia Green – MSN 1986
  14. Anne Stewart Helton – BSN 1976
  15. Tuong-Vi Ho – MSN 1992
  16. Carole Kanusky – BSN 1993, MSN 1995
  17. Steven Robert Leach – MSN 1990
  18. Harriett Linenberger – MSN 1988
  19. Huaping Liu – MSN 1992
  20. Rosemary Luquire – MSN 1986
  21. Jeanette McNeill – MSN 1978
  22. Joan Morris – MSN 1980
  23. Margaret Moss – PhD 2000
  24. Joan Pitcher – MSN 1996
  25. Elda G. Ramirez – BSN 1988
  26. Paula Trahan Rieger – MSN 1986
  27. Mario Segura – MSN 1991
  28. Lorinda Rose Sloane Smith – MSN 1991
  29. Beth Ulrich – MSN 1980
  30. Susan Priest– MSN 1981, BSN 1978

Honored in 2007

  1. Joyce A. Antes – MSN 1997, BSN 1994
  2. Chandice Covington – BSN 1974
  3. Thomas J. Flanagan – BSN 1994
  4. Mary Pat Rapp – PhD 2006, MSN 1989
  5. Debora E. Ybarra – BSN 1996

Honored in 2013

  1. Debbie Adams, BSN – 1984
  2. Christy Blanco, DNP – 2010
  3. Elizabeth Mann-Salinas, PhD – 2011
  4. Renae Schumann, BSN – 1985
  5. Carolyn St. Clair, BSN – 1979

Honored in 2014

  1. Marylyn Harris – MSN 1997

Honored in 2016

  1. Penelope Z. Strauss – BSN 1992, MSN (nurse anesthesia) 1996, PhD 2007

Honored in 2018

  1. Terri S. Armstrong – PhD 2005
  2. Wendy Duggleby – PhD 1999
  3. Michelle Edwards – DNP 2011
  4. Shannan Hamlin – MSN 2000, PhD 2010
  5. Holly Jeffreys – DNP 2009

Honored in 2022

  1. Elizabeth “Betty” Gonzales - MSN 2003, DNP 2009
  2. Mili Vakharia - MSN 2012
  3. Nipa Kamdar - PhD 2018

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Current Opportunities:

  • Foundations in Nursing Leadership - This intensive, two-day program supports the academic objectives of fostering effective leadership, communication, and teamwork skills. Learn more. 
  • Caring at the Crossroads: End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC) Training - April 3-4. Get the details and register.

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