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Get involved! Student organizations at Cizik School of Nursing at UTHealth Houston offer opportunities for students to network, gain leadership experience, make new friends, and support one another.

Current students: See the Students section of the Cizik School of Nursing intranet for details about membership in student organizations as well as upcoming meetings and events.

Student Government Organization


Email [email protected] to learn more and get involved.

All nursing students are members of the tuition-funded Cizik School of Nursing Student Government Organization (SGO). In addition to sponsoring events, activities, and volunteer opportunities, the SGO represents nursing students on the UTHealth Houston Student Intercouncil.

Through the SGO’s popular “Beyond the BSN” events, undergraduate students hear about real-world nursing from a Cizik School of Nursing alumni panel, learn about graduate degree programs from faculty, and meet hiring managers and nursing leaders from Houston-area hospitals.

Student Nurses’ Association 

The mission of the Cizik School of Nursing Student Nurses’ Association (SNA) is to promote professional nursing to students through community service, leadership opportunities, and exposure to current professional practice. Activities sponsored by the SNA include mock interviews and résumé reviews to prepare students for the working world. 


Email [email protected] for more information.

National Alliance on Mental Illness on Campus (NAMI)


NAMI promotes and emphasizes the importance of mental well-being, stress management, and wellness for all UTHealth Houston students. Its function is to educate and advocate for students and provide an environment to share and receive support. NAMI sponsors a variety of fun and stress-reducing activities for students.

Email [email protected] if you have questions, and see the student intranet for details on events and how to join the organization.

PhD students

PhD Student Organization

The PhD Student Organization was established in 2023 to allow Cizik School of Nursing students who are preparing for careers as nurse scientists to form collegial relationships and support each other through their PhD journey.

For more information, email [email protected].

Prayer Group

The Prayer Group provides biweekly opportunities for students to come together and support one another in prayer. It seeks to provide social, emotional, mental, and spiritual supports with the goal of enriching student lives holistically from a perspective of faith. More information about Prayer Group is available by emailing [email protected]