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Cizik School of Nursing at UTHealth Houston offers scholarships ranging from $1,000 to full tuition for students in all academic programs.

One application, many scholarships

By completing our scholarship application, you will be considered for all Cizik School of Nursing scholarships for which you qualify. The scholarship committee, made up of faculty and staff, reviews applications prior to the start of every semester and evaluates applications based on the criteria set by the donor.


  • Scholarships available to all students
    Fund Title Details
    Amie and Jeff Springmeyer Scholarship Provides support for five nursing scholarships.
    Ana S. Mangione Scholarship Provides scholarships to students with academic merit and financial need with first preference to a single parent and second preference to a student transitionin to nursing as a career.
    Ben Love PARTNERS Scholarship Provides support to nursing students in good scholastic standing with demonstrated financial need.
    Bridges Family Nursing Excellence Fund Provides support to exceptional nursing students including scholarships and leadership development activities.
    Crawford and Hattie Jackson Foundation Student Assistance Fund To support scholarships and fellowships including trainee stipends, prizes, and awards to individuals who are US citizens with a GPA of 3.5 or higher and who demonstrate a true need for financial assistance.
    Dawn M. Gross Memorial Scholarship Fund Provides scholarships to students based on academic excellence.
    Dean Ornish, MD Endowed Scholarship Provides scholarships to students with academic merit and financial need.
    Hamill Foundation Scholarship Support for students in Accelerated BSN Program / DNP Program / PhD Program
    Jo Ellen Reed-Gilstrap, R.N. Scholarship Fund Awarded to nursing students who are in good academic standing and demonstrate a financial need. The purpose of this scholarship is to further support nursing education.
    John P. McGovern, M.D. Scholarships Provides merit-based scholarships.
    John S. Dunn, Sr. Nursing Scholars' Program Scholarships for BSN, MSN, PhD, and Nurse Anesthesia students.
    Joyce A. Standish, RN Scholarship Provides scholarships based on financial need.
    Lillian Eriksen Memorial Endowed Scholarship for Global Health Provides scholarships to students in good standing with preference for international students who intend to practice outside the U.S. in an area with either a shortage of health professionals or that is medically underserved.
    Linda Walker Winter Memorial Scholarship Provides scholarships to students with academic merit and financial need
    Mary Anne Mitchell Endowed Scholarship in Nursing Provides a nursing scholarship in the name of Mary Anne Mitchell.
    Mary Joe White Scholarship Awarded annually to a new or current nursing student
    McGee Family Scholarship Provides scholarships based on financial need.
    Nursing Student Scholarship, Assistance Fund Provides scholarships and financial assistance to students in need. 
    PARTNERS Scholarship Provides scholarships to students with academic merit and financial need.
    President James T. Willerson/Nancy Beamer Willerson Endowed Scholarship in the School of Nursing Provides scholarships to students in good academic standing.
    Richard Michael and Barbara Riley Endowed Scholarship Provides scholarships to students with academic merit and financial need
    RoseAnn Waindel Endowed Memorial Scholarship for Emergency Care Nursing Scholarship awarded to a students with a minimum 3.0 GPA, with demonstrated financial need and an interest in emergency nursing.
    Tanya Kay Ostwald Memorial Scholarship Fund Provides scholarships to students with academic merit and financial need.
    The Anna C. Saunders Scholarship Provides scholarships to students in good academic standing.
    The Brigid Pace and William Nikolis Family Scholarship in Nursing Scholarships  awarded to students in the school's greatest area of need as determined by the Dean. 
    The Rennie Makohon Lesem Endowed Scholarship in Nursing Designated for a single parent with financial need in good academic standing.
    UTHSON Alumni Endowment Provides scholarship to nursing students enrolled full-time.
    Vaughn Construction Community Foundation Endowed Scholarship in Nursing Provides scholarships to students enrolled full time with preference to students who have spent the majority of their lifetimes in Texas.
    William Randolph Hearst Endowed Nursing Scholarship Scholarship designated for undergraduate or graduate students.

  • Scholarships available to BSN students

    Program Fund Title Details
    Pacesetter BSN Albert & Ethel Herzstein Charitable Foundation Provides scholarships to students in the accelerated Pacesetter BSN program.
    RN to BSN  Annie Richardson Norris and Edward Pershing Norris, Sr. Endowed Scholarship in Nursing Provides scholarships to RN to BSN students in good standing.
    BSN Degrees Carol Lewis Heideman Endowed Scholarship To support scholarships for incoming first year BSN students with financial need
    Pacesetter BSN David and Adam Conlon Scholarship Fund Provides scholarship to one Pacesetter BSN student annually.
    Pacesetter BSN Diane Evans Trabulsi Nursing Scholarship Provides a scholarship to a Pacesetter BSN students with academic merit and financial need
    Pacesetter BSN George Foundation FBC-H Provides scholarships to students in the accelerated Pacesetter BSN program.
    Pacesetter BSN Hamill Foundation - BSN Pacesetter Provides scholarships to students in the accelerated Pacesetter BSN program.
    BSN / BSN to DNP / FNP Hamill Foundation Accelerated FNP Supports Pacesetter BSN students and BSN to DNP on the FNP track.
    BSN Degrees Helen Jimenez Dichoso, RN Endowed Scholarship To provide scholarships to undergraduate students based on financial need and academic merit.
    Pacesetter BSN Helene Fuld Health Trust Pacesetter Scholarship Provides scholarships to students in the accelerated Pacesetter BSN program.
    Pacesetter BSN Helene Fuld Health Trust Scholarship Endowment for the Accelerated Baccalaureate Nursing Program (Pacesetter) Provides scholarships to students in the accelerated Pacesetter BSN program.
    BSN Degrees Helene Fuld Health Trust Scholarship Fund for Baccalaureate Nursing Students Provides financial aid to BSN students.
    BSN Degrees Maria C and Christopher J Pappas VBSN Scholarship Fund Provides scholarship to one BSN students annually who is a U.S. military veteran.
    BSN Degrees / Acute / Critical Care Martha C. Gooding Foundation for Compassionate Nursing Scholarship Funds distributed from the endowment shall be used to provide an annual scholarship to an undergraduate nursing student who demonstrates financial need, with preference given to a senior level nursing student who intends to pursue a nursing career focused on patient care in an acute/critical care setting.
    BSN Degrees Mercedes-Benz of Houston North Supports first-year BSN students based on academic excellence.
    Undergraduate program - BSN Miguel and Andrea De La Mora Scholarship To provide a scholarship to a deserving Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) undergraduate student who is interested in a mental health nursing career.
    BSN Degrees Nancy A. Akers Endowed Scholarship To provide scholarship support, based on financial need, to students enrolled in the BSN program at the Cizik School of Nursing.
    Pacesetter BSN / Mental Health Pacesetter BSN Mental Health Career Scholarship Provides support to a Pacesetter BSN student interested in a mental health nursing career
    Pacesetter BSN Pacesetter BSN Scholarship Program Provides scholarships to students in the accelerated Pacesetter BSN program.
    BSN Degrees Rafaela Garcia Saqr Nursing Scholarship To provide scholarship support to nursing students in good standing who are pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree.  It is preferred that the scholarship be awarded to students who receive all or part of their preparatory education in the Rio Grande Valley of south Texas.
    BSN Degrees Richard T. and Sammie W. Lyons Endowed Scholarship in Nursing Provides scholarships to BSN students with academic merit and financial need
    Pacesetter BSN Sandra Smith Scholarship Provides scholarships to students in the accelerated Pacesetter BSN program based on financial need.
  • Scholarships available to MSN students
    Program/Track Fund Title Details
    MSN / Oncology Charles and Sybil Nolan Oncology Nursing Endowed Scholarship Provides scholarships to MSN students in good standing who are focused on oncology nursing.
    MSN / DNP / PhD Degrees Elaine Elizabeth Barbiere Scholarship Provides support to graduate students with an interest in children's health.
    MSN / DNP Florence and Harold Smith Memorial Scholarship Provides scholarships to Adult/Gerontology NP students in good academic standing.
    MSN / BSN to DNP / FNP FNP Program Scholarship Provides scholarship to an MSN and BSN to DNP students on the FNP track.
    MSN / DNP   FNP-DNP / Cullen Foundation Provides scholarship to an MSN and DNP student on the FNP track.
    MSN / DNP   FNP-DNP / Dunn Foundation Provides scholarships to MSN and DNP students on the FNP track.
    MSN / BSN to DNP /  FNP Hamill Foundation - MSN/NDFAN Provides scholarships to MSN and BSN to DNP students on the FNP track.
    BSN / BSN to DNP / FNP Hamill Foundation Accelerated FNP Supports Pacesetter BSN students and BSN to DNP on the FNP track.
    MSN / BSN to DNP /  Psych / Mental Health Hamill Foundation -Psychiatric NP Support scholarships for MSN students enrolled in the Psychiatry/Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Program.
    All Graduate Degree Programs / Gerontology Houston Sigma Kappa Foundation Endowed Scholarship Provides scholarships to graduate students based on academic merit and financial need. Preference given to students studying gerontology.
    MSN / BSN to DNP / Geriatrics or Aging Joseph C. and Selenia E. Valley Memorial Scholarship in Geriatric Nursing Provides scholarship to an MSN and BSN to DNP students whose focus is geriatric nursing.
    All Graduate Degree Programs / Gerontology Marian Frutiger Endowed Scholarship in Gerontology Nursing Provides scholarship to graduate students based on financial need with preference given to students studying gerontology.
    Graduate program - PMHNP McGovern Foundation Psychiatry/Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Scholarship    Provides support to the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Program
    MSN / DNP / PhD Degrees Texas Graduate Nurses Association Scholarship and Loan Fund Provides scholarships and loan to all levels of graduate students.
    MSN / Emergency Care The Dr. Frank L. Cole Scholarship Provides scholarships to MSN-prepared students in the Emergency/Trauma Care concentration based on financial need.
    All Graduate Degree Programs / Gerontology The Mary Klein Scholarship Financial assistance for nursing students who study gerontology.
    MSN / Emergency Care The Stinnett Family Scholarship Provides scholarships based on financial need and academic merit with preference to ENP students.
  • Scholarships available to DNP students
    Program/Track Fund Title Details
    BSN to DNP / FNP Accelerated FNP-DNP-Program Provides scholarships to BSN to DNP students on the FNP track.
    MSN / DNP / PhD Degrees Elaine Elizabeth Barbiere Scholarship Provides support to graduate students with an interest in children's health.
    All Degree Programs / Gerontology Florence and Harold Smith Memorial Scholarship Provides scholarships to Adult/Gerontology NP students in good academic standing.
    MSN / BSN to DNP / FNP FNP Program Scholarship Provides scholarship to an MSN and BSN to DNP students on the FNP track.
    MSN / DNP   FNP-DNP / Cullen Foundation Provides scholarship to an MSN and DNP student on the FNP track.
    MSN / DNP   FNP-DNP / Dunn Foundation Provides scholarships to MSN and DNP students on the FNP track.
    MSN / BSN to DNP /  FNP Hamill Foundation - MSN/NDFAN Provides scholarships to MSN and BSN to DNP students on the FNP track.
    BSN / BSN to DNP / FNP Hamill Foundation Accelerated FNP Supports Pacesetter BSN students and BSN to DNP on the FNP track.
    MSN / BSN to DNP /  Psych / Mental Health Hamill Foundation -Psychiatric NP Support scholarships for MSN students enrolled in the Psychiatry/Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Program.
    BSN to DNP / Nurse Anesthesia Hershal Bradshaw Memorial Scholarship Provides scholarships to nurse anesthesia students in good standing.
    All Graduate Degree Programs / Gerontology Houston Sigma Kappa Foundation Endowed Scholarship Provides scholarships to graduate students based on academic merit and financial need. Preference given to students studying gerontology.
    BSN to DNP / Neurology Joanne V. Hickey Scholarship Fund Support scholarships for DNP student focused on Neurology.
    MSN / BSN to DNP / Geriatrics or Aging Joseph C. and Selenia E. Valley Memorial Scholarship in Geriatric Nursing Provides scholarship to an MSN and BSN to DNP students whose focus is geriatric nursing.
    All Graduate Degree Programs / Gerontology Marian Frutiger Endowed Scholarship in Gerontology Nursing Provides scholarship to graduate students based on financial need with preference given to students studying gerontology.
    Graduate program - PMHNP McGovern Foundation Psychiatry/Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Scholarship    Provides support to the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Program
    BSN to DNP / Gerontology Nancy Bergstrom Gerontological Nursing Scholarship Awards scholarships to doctoral students in good academic standing with an interest in gerontology.
    BSN to DNP / Psych Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Scholarship Provides scholarships to PMHNP students.
    BSN to DNP / Nurse Anesthesia Rodney C. Lester Nurse Anesthesia Scholarship Provides scholarships to nurse anesthesia students.
    MSN / DNP / PhD Degrees Texas Graduate Nurses Association Scholarship and Loan Fund Provides scholarships and loan to all levels of graduate students.
    All Graduate Degree Programs / Gerontology The Mary Klein Scholarship Financial assistance for nursing students who study gerontology.
  • Scholarships available to PhD students
    Program Fund Title Details
    MSN / DNP / PhD Degrees Elaine Elizabeth Barbiere Scholarship Provides support to graduate students with an interest in children's health.
    All Graduate Degree Programs / Gerontology Houston Sigma Kappa Foundation Endowed Scholarship Provides scholarships to graduate students based on academic merit and financial need. Preference given to students studying gerontology.
    PhD Karl and Lotty Gautschi Nursing Scholarship Provides annual scholarships to PhD students.
    All Graduate Degree Programs / Gerontology Marian Frutiger Endowed Scholarship in Gerontology Nursing Provides scholarship to graduate students based on financial need with preference given to students studying gerontology.
    PhD SON Named Scholarship - Cyvia & Melvyn Wolf Supports one PhD student.
    MSN / DNP / PhD Degrees Texas Graduate Nurses Association Scholarship and Loan Fund Provides scholarships and loan to all levels of graduate students.
    PhD The Jane and Robert Cizik Scholarship Provides scholarships to PhD students and post-doctoral fellows.
    All Graduate Degree Programs / Gerontology The Mary Klein Scholarship Financial assistance for nursing students who study gerontology.
    PhD Evelyn and Paul Howell Family PhD Scholarship Supports full or partial scholarship awards to PhD students.

Eligibility Criteria for Cizik School of Nursing Scholarships

To be considered for a Cizik School of Nursing scholarship, the following criteria must be met:

  • Students must have applied to an academic degree program at Cizik School of Nursing.
  • Currently enrolled students must be:
    • In good academic standing and earn the minimum GPA as required by the scholarship. 
    • Enrolled at the level required by the scholarship. For most scholarship, part-time enrollment is the minimum standard. 
      • BSN level: Fall/Spring - 6 semester hours; Summer - 5 semester hours
      • Graduate level: Fall/Spring - 5 semester hours; Summer - 3 semester hours

When to apply

You may apply for Cizik School of Nursing scholarships as soon as you receive your acceptance offer letter of admissions. Scholarships are awarded every fall, spring, and summer.  

The scholarship application remains active for the duration of the student’s academic program. If, however, a student changes programs or graduates from one program and enters another program, a new scholarship application is required.

Awarding and Notification Process 

Selection is based on many factors including academic merit, financial need, and other requirements established by donors who fund individual scholarships.  

The school’s scholarship awards are managed by the Cizik School of Nursing Scholarship Committee. This group is made up of faculty members representing each academic program and meets regularly to review applications and award monies available for each term. 

All candidates selected for a scholarship will be notified by email through the Student Affairs Office. Funds will be applied to the student’s UTHealth Houston Bursar account. Once tuition is paid, any excess funds are distributed to the students. 

Learn more about financial aid at UTHealth Houston and about scholarships provided by external organizations.