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Cizik School of Nursing at UTHealth Houston focuses solely on preparing students to achieve excellence in nursing education, practice, and scientific discovery.

To earn a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree, students must complete general education courses at another accredited educational institution before enrolling at Cizik School of Nursing. Students may satisfy these prerequisites at a community college or four-year university.

The full prerequisite list includes 60 credit hours; however, an application will be considered for admission if, at the application deadline, at least 40 prerequisite credit hours have been completed, 8 of which are in Anatomy Physiology, Chemistry, and Microbiology. Please note that if admission is offered, all prerequisite courses must be completed prior to the start of class.

In addition, RN-BSN students may be conditionally admitted pending successful completion of the prerequisites by the end of the first semester. This provision is not allowed for the statistics or sciences prerequisites – those courses must be completed prior to starting the program. If the prerequisites are not completed by the time required, you may be administratively withdrawn from the program.

There are no time limits on prerequisites.

  • Required courses



    American Government (TCCN GOVT 2305)


    Texas Government (TCCN GOVT 2306)


    U. S. History (TCCN HIST 1301 & HIST 1302)


    Intro to Psychology (TCCN PSYC 2301)


    Intro to Sociology (TCCN SOCI 1301)


    Human Growth & Development (Lifespan) (TCCN PSYC 2314) 


    Statistics - Math or psychology only (TCCN PSYC 2317 or MATH 1342)


    Anatomy & Physiology Lecture & Lab (TCCN BIOL 2401 & BIOL 2402)


    Microbiology Lecture & Lab (TCCN BIOL 2420 or BIOL 2421)


    General Chemistry Lecture & Lab -  TCCN CHEM 1411 (Effective Spring 2025 all applicants must meet the General Chemistry Lecture & Lab requirement)


    Nutrition - (TCCN BIOL 1322)


    English - Literature courses do not qualify (ENGL 1301 & ENGL 1302)


    Intro to Philosophy - Any philosophy, ethics, or humanities accepted (PHIL 1301; PHIL 2306; or HUMA 1301)


    Visual & Performing Arts Course - Drama, dance, any type of music or art class. See additional details below.


    Electives  - See below for details.


  • About electives

    An elective is any academic course that is not used to satisfy another course prerequisite.  The UTHealth Registrar’s Office will use the highest graded electives available on the transcript to calculate your prerequisite GPA. 

    Cizik School of Nursing does not accept the following courses as electives:

    • Nursing
    • Physical education, kinesiology, or fitness courses
    • Vocational or technical courses, including computer courses
    • Remedial courses
    • Graduate-level courses
  • Fulfilling specific requirements

    Visual and performing arts:
    We accept dance, music, art, and drama courses as well as art, theater, and music history courses. Generally, any course with a prefix such as ARTS, DANC, MUAP, MUEN, MUSI, DRAM will satisfy the requirement.

    Literature courses are not accepted for this prerequisite.

    Any philosophy, ethics, or humanities course (PHIL 1301; PHIL 2306; or HUMA 1301)

    Texas Government
    This course is required and cannot be substituted. Students who complete undergraduate coursework in other states must complete a Texas Government course before enrolling.

    Growth & Development
    To meet Cizik School of Nursing’s requirement, Growth and Development courses must cover the full life span of a human, from conception to death. Veterinary courses and child development courses do not meet the requirement. 

  • Printable PDF

Applicants must submit official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended by the BSN application deadline. 

Frequently Asked Questions about BSN Prerequisites

Q: Can I request an unofficial prerequisite evaluation?
A: Unfortunately, due to limited staffing and the volume of applications received, we are unable to provide unofficial evaluations. Official evaluations are conducted by the UTHealth Registrar’s Office upon submitting your transcripts when you apply. If you have a question about a specific course after reviewing the information on this page, please email [email protected].

Q: Will the courses I earned for dual credit at my high school count for credit?
A: Yes, to get credit, you will be required to submit an official transcript from the institution who certified the credit.

Q: Are CLEP/IB/AP scores accepted?
A: CLEP/IB/AP scores will be accepted for most courses if they were already evaluated for post-secondary credit and appear on a college transcript. They will not be accepted for science courses.

Q: Do online courses count toward prerequisites?
A: As long as the courses are taken from a regionally accredited institution, most online courses will be accepted. Please contact your school’s registrar to determine if it is regionally accredited. Labs for science courses taken online cannot be accepted for prerequisite requirement.

Q: If I retake a course, how will that be reflected in my overall prerequisite GPA.
A: In most cases, the nursing prerequisite GPA will be calculated using the grade of the most recently taken course. The science GPA will be calculated using ALL SCIENCE courses taken.

Q: If I’ve taken two Anatomy & Physiology courses, but the combined total is not eight hours, can I still apply or do I have to take another course?
A: The number of credits is what is considered, not the number of courses taken. You must have a minimum of 16 hours of sciences to apply for admission.